rendered house epping essex

External Wall Rendering London – Exterior Wall Coatings

 Coppersmith London have been providing customers rendering and exterior restoration throughout London and surrounding areas. Render is the mixture of sand and cement, which is applied to the exterior of properties to enhance the protection and appearance of your property.

Rendering & Exterior Wall Coatings Options for your Home

There are various types of rendering that can be applied to your home, which include:

  • Pebbledash Render – A coarse plaster surface used on outside walls that consists of lime and sometimes cement mixed with sand, small gravel, and often pebbles or shells.
  • Smooth Cement Render – A premixed layer of sand and cement to brick, cement, stone, or mud brick. It is often textured, coloured, or painted after application. It is generally used on exterior walls but can be used to feature an interior wall.
  • Tyrolean Render – A white or coloured cement based mix, which provides a decorative and protective rendering. It is applied by hand or power operated machines and provides an open honeycomb textured (Tyrolean) finish.

Traditional & Modern Rendering in London

With a range of rendering styles, you can select specific colours, styles and textures and this gives you the opportunity to completely transform the exterior appearance of your property. In addition to application of new rendering to your property, we can provide a re-rendering service when your existing rendering has begun to depreciate or look damaged. Being an experienced rendering company in London, we professionally treat and repair the rendering to improve your property’s appearance and thermal efficiency. Rendering is a very important part of your property, not only will it protect against damp but it will also enhance the aesthetic appearance of your building.